People have a tendency to over-exert themselves while trying to achieve a healthy weight or lead a healthy lifestyle. In the long run, it does more harm to the body than good.
There are a lot of apps in the market that helps you attain your body target. But there is no app that helps you strike a balance between body target along with wellness & overexertion, which makes sure that you don’t lose your mind while losing weight.
Design a platform which can be personalized and tracks activity, food intake & hydration levels. The aim is to eventually make the user aware & help them align with their body needs.
An application which is designed to calculate body’s vitals like height, weight, BMI, heart rate, & pulse rate while taking health problems into consideration. Notifications will serve as a reminder to stay active to achieve your daily goal, while preventing dehydration, injury and muscle loss.
Exersify is an application which provides a platform that can be personalized, to cater to the needs of one’s healthy and active lifestyle while tracking activity, food intake & hydration level. With this app we seek to provide a base which would help an individual to avoid overexertion while leading a healthier lifestyle.
Role: Research, ideation, User testing, IA, Wire-framing, User task & flows, Prototyping
Type: iOS Application, Group Class Project
Duration: Feb - May 2020 (3.5 months)
Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma, Google Forms
The Design Process
While brainstorming with my team members, we came up with various subjects which were very interesting to be considered as the main topic of our project. But with the changing global circumstances and stay-at-home orders, we decided to concentrate on the health and fitness levels of individuals. We often have to deal with multiple applications to monitor basic things like water and food intake, along with our daily exercises. Thus, we decided to work with these and sort out a solution to enhance user experience and not make the users' first steps towards healthy living difficult.
Market Research
-The global fitness market is expected to post a CAGR (Compounded Annual Growth Return) of almost 12% during the period 2020-2024.
-The market is witnessing an increase in the demand for wearable devices such as smartwatches, smart bands, and smart rings that have various features such as calling, messaging, fitness tracking, and more.
-A significant increase in the obese population, changing lifestyles, and increasing health concerns primarily drive the market growth.
-Moreover other factors include the increasing occurrence of diseases associated with obesity, increasing disposable income, and increasing awareness regarding health and nutrition.
User Research


“Apps require a lot of details, which sometimes is a concern for privacy. Also, they do not track data accurately.”


    “As long as I am active and walk 5 miles without feeling ‘done for the day’, I feel its fine to eat whatever I want too.”

      DEV DESAI, 24
      SOFTWARE ENGineer

      “I need to know what I did on which day and how productive and effective the workout was.”

        KANGANA SHAH, 25

        “ I often have problems stressing myself while running and causing my muscles to fatigue.”

          CAROLINE MAC, 32

          “Current apps tracks the progress but does not notify the user regarding different ways to increase stamina.”

            DHAVAL JAGANI, 29

            “I would love to use and participate in apps that track, monitor and shows all the correct form of exercises.”
              Competitor Analysis

              - Records heart rate information.
              - Connects to smartphone, watches
              - Tracks routes
              - Shows detailed speed information
              - Indicates elevation details
              - Progress goal tracking capability
              - No recommendations based on progress.
              - No hydration tracking
              - Bad GPS signal

              - Easy to use.
              - Can be linked with family & friends.
              - Connects with different fitness apps.
              - Tracks your sleep.
              - Progress goal tracking capability
              - No recommendation to reach goals.
              - Manually entering data.
              - No hydration tracking.

              - Free lifetime statistics
              - Personal goal tracking
              - Ability to connect to a heart rate monitor
              - Connected with social media
              - Not connected with body analysis.
              - Manually entering data
              - No hydration tracking
              Target Audience
              After rigorous discussions and research we concluded our target audience to be as follows:
              - Specific Audience: We want to assists, the “to be” brides and grooms to maintain a healthy lifestyle while they strive to achieve their fitness goals. It becomes overwhelming for them to focus on multiple fronts and with global pandemic it restricts movement and stress may cause depression. .
              - Age Group: 25 to 40 years.
              - Interests & Activities: Physically active, enjoys outdoor sports, fitness and technology enthusiasts, striving to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
              Empathy Map
              Pain Points
              Monitoring essentials such as overexertion & dehydration

              - It is essential to measure dehydration and fatigue in our body as it is one of the important factors which contributes to a healthy lifestyle.
              - Changes in weather and activities alters the water intake requirement which becomes difficult to monitor.
              Continuous reminders from various apps are annoying

              - Having multiple apps to monitor and update becomes tedious for the users to maintain.
              - Users who are keen on receiving updates or recommendations based on their performance to track their progress.
              Lack of personlized monitoring to meet an individuals needs

              - Just focusing on weight loss is not healthy, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is, which can become difficult while staying at home.
              - Some people can’t figure out if its muscle that they are losing or weight.
              Mind Map

              hydration level

              - Sensors in wearables which detect the water content of the body. also, measuring the daily water intake.

              food monitoring

              -Meals can be logged and AI can recognize the nutrition value. It would also have a Barcode Scanner.

              activity level

              - Biosensors will daily measure activity levels, providing tips based upon its measurements.


              - Calculations would be based on individual body parameters, hence providing personalized and achievable goals.
              Information Architecture
              After brainstorming the whole process of designing user experience and conducting various interviews to understand our audience better, we started the rough draft of putting our ideas together. I like this part of the process as I finally got to put my ideas on paper after rigorously conducting user interviews and after stating our problem statement and solution.

              Daisy is a new Exersify app user signing into the app.

              Mark is an existing user and is using the app to track his progress.

              User Tasks And Flows
              User Testing and Feedback
              Testing and Iterations

              20% of users preffered the use of illustrations for progress pages.

              30% of users suggested the use of progress bar compared to the use of illustrations.

              50% of users suggested progress bar with changing colors during progress.
              Testing and Iterations (Repeat)

              Hi-Fidelity Wireframes
                This prototype displays the onboarding process for a new user.
                  Mark is an existing user who is logging in and is connecting his watch to the app. After that he makes changes to his water logs and checks his daily progress.
                      This prototype demonstrates the process to log lunch in the app and how to check the total calorie intake for the day.